13. Control your own funds.Invest only with spare money to avoid being forced to buy and sell stocks at unfavorable times due to financial pressure.Don't go in and out of the warehouse because of temporary market fluctuations, rationally allocate positions, diversify investments and reduce risks.
9. Control your own information sources.Continue to learn and update investment knowledge, adapt to market changes, and constantly improve their investment skills.Invest only with spare money to avoid being forced to buy and sell stocks at unfavorable times due to financial pressure.
Don't go in and out of the warehouse because of temporary market fluctuations, rationally allocate positions, diversify investments and reduce risks.When the market fluctuates, avoid making impulsive trading decisions because of panic or greed, keep calm and follow the established investment strategy.If you sell a stock when it is soaring, then it continues to rise, even if it is about to stop trading, never buy it back. Otherwise, you have a high probability to stand guard!
Strategy guide
Strategy guide
Strategy guide 12-14